An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) saves you money on retirement in a tax-friendly way. An IRA is an account created with a financial institution that allows a person to save for a tax-free retirement or deferred tax. Plan 401 (k) is a tax-favorable retirement account with defined contributions, offered by many employers to their employees. Its name comes from a part of the US internal revenue code. Employees can make contributions to their 401 (k) bills by automatically deducting wages, and their employers can adjust some or all of these contributions. Can I contribute to IRA and 401k?
You can make a contribution to both 401 (k) and IRA, but if your income exceeds the IRS limits, you may lose one of the traditional IRA tax breaks.
How it works
One of the benefits of a traditional IRA is that you can get a tax deduction from your contributions each year. If you contribute, say, $ 6,000 to a traditional IRA this year, you can apply for this contribution in your tax return and reduce your taxable income. (In fact, 401 (k) offers a very similar tax break: Your 401 (k) contributions reduce your taxable income.)
But there is a big caveat: if you have a 401 (k) or other pension plan at work or your spouse does so, your contribution to a traditional IRA may not be deducted. People who have a retirement plan at work need to check IRA income limits to see if they are eligible for the deduction of their contribution to a traditional IRA. In some cases, you can deduct part of your contribution. (Even if you can’t deduct your IRA contribution, you can still contribute to the IRA. Learn more about non-educational IRAs.)

Advantages of owning 401 (k) and Roth IRA
If you qualify for both accounts, it is worth contributing to both if you can afford it and want to make a total annual contribution exceeding the individual 401 (k) and Roth IRA contribution limits. Both accounts offer unique financial incentives that, when combined, help you make the most of your retirement savings.
Since the 401 (k) plans are deferred tax bills that are paid dollars before tax, you can deduct the premium from your taxable income and thus reduce your tax liability at the moment. However, both the contribution and the profit (increase) from these contributions are subject to taxes upon their withdrawal. In addition, if you withdraw before reaching the age of 59.5, withdrawal will be punishable by early withdrawal of 10% of the withdrawal amount.
Unlike the Roth IRA, you don’t have to pay taxes either on contributions or on earnings when you withdraw, as long as you have an account open for five years and wait up to 59.5 years to withdraw your earnings. Your original Roth IRA contributions (but not earnings) can also be tax-free at any time before reaching retirement age.
This makes Roth IRA a way to save money for other purposes, such as buying a home or paying for college or a child’s college education. Some people even use a Roth IRA as a savings account.
Another important benefit is that for the Roth IRA, there is no need for any distribution until the owner dies; 401 (k) investors must start accepting withdrawals from these accounts from the age of 70.5.